Artist Statement

The reason why I love taking photographs is because photos can freeze time. Photos are the closes things we have to an actual time machine. By looking at a photo we can take a glimpse of the past. Photos can take us all the way back to the civil war. They can make us remember how cute our children were or funny story at a party. Photos tell a story no matter how simple it is. I take photos to tell a story to other people.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Flying Sparrow

Flying Sparrow: I have always tried to capture motion in my photos and this one definetly captures just that. It is one of my best frozen moments photos.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Edited Pokewalkers

Original Pokewalker: This is my original photo of the pokewalker. I am practicing editing with my new program.

Colored Pokewalker: This one I focused on the pokewalker by making them colorful and everything else black and white. It has been my goal to do just this with one of my photos and now I have done it.

Blurred Black and White: This one I feel tells the history of pokemon itself. It began on a crappy gameboy with black and white with crappy graphics but kids still loved it. That is why I like this one. It appears that those pokewalkers were dragged out from the past and are having trouble existing.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snowy Rock Egret

Snowy Rock Egret: This is something we just bought this summer. What I think is cool about this photo is how the egret appears in the middle of all this whiteness. In reality, it was by a lot of other small things, but those were covered in snow.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Woodpecker Wing

Woodpecker Wing: This is a photo of a woodpecker that was caught while we were banding hawks. It is a funny story of how we caught it. We were waiting for a hawk to fly by when we all see the woodpecker hopping around just outside of the blind. Then the woodpecker suddenly jumps into the net and they caught a woodpecker! I love the focus on this photo I got of the bird. It shows the hairy's spots really well, and is a great wing shot.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Do NOT Pull This!

Do NOT pull this!: This is a sign I took at the tea garden. I have always liked the looks of signs and how they turn out in photos. This one I love the color of the snow and the sky through the door. If I fixed anything I would make the actual sign a little less dark, but it isn't that bad!